Tuesday, February 8, 2011

just feel like blogging before i shoot the basketball around.  listening to street corner symphony performances from the sing-off. never gets old.  i guess everyone wants to be loved and appreciated, and that includes me.  a good friend of mine said i shouldn't even be worrying about stuff like that right now, and i need to get my focus on.  I feel like i'm talking about the same shit in all these blogs.  i was doing fine and i dont know why but i'm turning all emo again =( waaaaaa. i've been smoking like a chimney.  I need God but I'm too much of a bastardly son to ask for His forgiveness.  I need a reality check.  I need something MAJOR to happen in my life.  welps that's all for today.  who knows, maybe something interesting will happen later on today and i'll write it here, if i feel like it.

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