Sunday, January 9, 2011

this past weekend

im currently listening/watching to the video of myself and Amy Collalela singing AT THE BEGINNING (soundtrack from that old animated movie Anastasia) . maybe I should upload it on youtube one day. Fuck it i'll do it right now hahah.. but wait. nevermind. i forgot that I have the hard copy of the video in my old hard drive. which got fried. Maybe i'll do it when I figure out a way to download it off my Facebook and reupload it later on utube. oh well. too much work.  but this past weekend was pretty off the hook.  I got together with my Freazy bandmates and worked on songs that were gonna perform at this thing in Irvine next week.  We're getting paid too so that's a plus!!! then I killed myself eating AYCE sushi at miyagis.  What a mistake.  I gained like 4 something lbs, which I hope I can lose by not eating anything heavy for the next few days.  hmmm what else? church was alright, i'm getting tired of seeing the church so packed because of the small space that we have there. we need a bigger place, yo! real talk.  But anyways.. things aren't looking so bad for me, i suppose.  I feel a lot better hanging out with my bros and keeping my mind off other things.
but yea, i did mention that i was gonna talk about my future plans in my last blog.  soooo looks like I'm gonna go back to school starting next fall! the big question is, where at?  I'm definitely gonna look into schools in Cali so i wont have to pay out-of-state tuition fees.  My preference is either Cal State Fullerton or even San Bernardino.  maybe i can room with Jason and other people?  if he decides to go to LL for pharmacy school.  But who knows.  Plans change. People change.  Or, if i really wanna go for it, I'd like to go to Cal Poly SLO.  I'm thinking of either doing MBA or Masters in Accountancy.  As i'm typing this im slowly losing interest, but maybe because i'm tired after pounding my digestion system with countless rolls of sushi and dos equis and after a productive, seemingly-endless practice session with my buddies.  but nevertheless I had a blast this weekend.  Of course i'm still thinking about how she's doing, but i'm not that concerned as before because I finally realize that things will be ok between me and her.  ok ok time to go knock out.  goodnight world

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